MaiNLP research lab
Welcome! We are the Munich AI & NLP (MaiNLP, pronounced “myNLP”) research lab at the Center for Information and Language Processing (CIS), LMU Munich, directed by Prof. Dr. Barbara Plank. We carry out research in Natural Language Processing, an interdisciplinary subdiscipline of Artificial Intelligence at the interface of computer science, linguistics and cognitive science. In broad terms, our aim is human-facing NLP: to make NLP models more robust and inclusive, so that they can deal better with underlying shifts in data due to language variation, are fairer and embrace human label variation.
- December 6, 2024: Federica Manzi won an award for her MSc thesis on sexism detection in Italian newspapers at CLIC-it 2024
- August 14, 2024: Barbara gave a keynote at ACL 2024 in Bangkok this year
- July 10, 2024: We co-organized a panel on embracing variability in natural language processing at ICLaVE|12
- July 5, 2024: Max successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations!
- July 1, 2024: Elisa successfully defended her PhD thesis. Congratulations!
- May 13, 2024: On-site talk by Matthias Orlikowski (Bielefeld University)
- May 6, 2024: On-site talk by Dr. Russa Biwas (Hasso-Plattner Institute, Potsdam)
- April 30, 2024: Our new DIALECT project webpage is online
- April 8, 2024: On-site talk by Hyewon Jang (University of Konstanz)
- March 22, 2024: Interested in Uncertainty and NLP? We are part of the First Workshop on Uncertainty-aware NLP @ EACL 2024
- March 7, 2024: Mike successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations!
- January 24, 2024: On-site talk by Dr. Rob van der Goot (IT University of Copenhagen)
Research Staff

Barbara Plank
Prof. Dr. and Chair for AI and Computational Linguistics, Head of MaiNLP and Co-director CIS

Diego Frassinelli
Dr., Lecturer

Michael A. Hedderich
Junior Research Group Leader

Silvia Casola
Postdoc (2024–)

Yang Janet Liu
Postdoc (2024–)

Siyao (Logan) Peng
Postdoc (2023–)

Robert Litschko
Postdoc (2022–)

Raoyuan Zhao
PhD student (2024–)

Andreas Säuberli
PhD student (2024–)
Felicia Körner
ELLIS PhD student (2024–)

Florian Eichin
PhD student (2024–)

Soh-Eun (Ryan) Shim
PhD student (2024–)

Shijia Zhou
PhD student (2024–)

Beiduo Chen
ELLIS PhD student (2024–)

Philipp Mondorf
PhD student (2023–)

Xinpeng Wang
PhD student (2022–)

Verena Blaschke
PhD student (2022–)

Elena Senger
External PhD student (2023–), Fraunhofer IMW

Joris Baan
Affiliated ELLIS PhD student (2021–), University of Amsterdam
Support Staff

Oliver Kraus
Scientific programmer (2024–)

Anyi Wang
Student assistant (2024–)

Sebastian Loftus
Student assistant (2023–)

Chengzhi Hu
Student assistant (2023–)

Miriam Winkler
Student assistant (2023–)

Huangyan Shan
Student assistant (2023–)
Administrative Staff

Paravee Jungbauer

Karl Ischebeck
IT technician, system administrator
Affiliated members (e.g. co-supervisors, co-supervised or mentored external PhD students, guest researchers and visitors)

Rob van der Goot
Associate professor at ITU Copenhagen, co-supervisor

Raquel Fernández
Full Professor at University of Amsterdam, co-supervisor

Wilker Aziz
Assistant Professor at University of Amsterdam, co-supervisor

Anna Korhonen
Full professor at University of Cambridge, co-supervisor

Saif M. Mohammad
Senior Research Scientist at the National Research Council Canada (NRC)

Bolei Ma
External co-supervised PhD student, LMU

Shengqiang Zhang
External co-supervised PhD student, LMU

Patrick Schwabl
External mentored PhD student, Department of Media and Communication, LMU Munich

Shanshan Xu
External mentored PhD student, Legal Tech group, Technical University of Munich

Cornelia Gruber
External mentored PhD student, Institute of Statistics, LMU

Yupei Du
Visiting PhD student, Utrecht University
Support staff and student assistants for teaching
- Ercong Nie (2022–2024)
- Zonggen Li (2023–2024)
- Kaiwei Lei (2024-)
- Yurui Zhang (2024–)
- Pingjun Hong (2024–)
- Longfei Zuo (2024–)
- Yuchen Mao (2024–)
Join us! →Open positionsMaiNLP alumni
- Max Müller-Eberstein (PhD student ITU, 2020–2024), now postdoc at IT University of Copenhagen
- Elisa Bassignana (PhD student ITU, 2020–2024), now postdoc at IT University of Copenhagen
- Leon Weber-Genzel (postdoc, 2022–2024), now in industry
- Mike Zhang (PhD student ITU, 2020–2024), now postdoc at Aalborg University, Copenhagen
- Jian Lan (PhD student, 2023–2024)
- Daniela Teodorescu (PhD student, 2023–2024)
- Maria Barrett (postdoc ITU, 2020–2023), now at Silo AI
- Katya Artemova (postdoc, 2022–2023), now at Toloka AI
- Sondre Wold (visiting PhD student, University of Oslo, 2024)
- Elena Lloret Pastor (visiting Professor, University of Alicante, 2024)
- Kassem Sabeh (visiting PhD student, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, 2024)
- Simone Ciciliano (visiting MA student, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, 2024)
- Alberto Muñoz-Ortiz (visiting PhD student, Universidade da Coruña, 2023)
- Zihang Sun (student assistant, 2023–2024)
- Barbara Kovačić (student assistant, 2023–2024)
- Ivo S. Bueno Júnior (student assistant, 2023–2024)
- Yang Sun (student assistant, 2023–2024)
- Marie Kolm (student assistant, 2023)
- Sif Dam Sonniks (student assistant, 2022–2023)
- Bolei Ma (student assistant, 2022–2023), now PhD student at LMU
- Anna Barwig (student assistant, 2022–2023)
- Chaeeun Lee (student assistant, 2022–2023)
MaiNLP resources and code
You can find resources (data, code, repositories) released by MaiNLP lab members on our github page and on our huggingface pageOrganizations
Our research is supported by:- European Research Council (ERC) project DIALECT
- Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond (DFF), Sapere Aude Research Leader grant
- Bayerische Staatsregierung HTA
- Munich Center for Machine Learning (MCML)
- Bayerisches Forschungsinstitut für Digitale Transformation (bidt)
Find us
We are located at Akademiestraße 7, 80799 Munich, Germany (→ directions).MaiNLP